2014 Fondation Mines-Télécom Annual report: a fundraising record
Fondation Mines-Télécom collected more than €4.1m in 2014, 14.5% more than in 2013. These donations have consolidated its activities supporting the Télécom graduate schools of IMT. Fondation Mines-Télécom’s annual report outlines all its operations carried out in the fields of training, research, innovation and foresight.
Training: encouraging excellence and linking schools with businesses
Fondation Mines-Télécom has awarded grants of up to €529,000 and presented €10,000 to 3 winners of the best graduation internship prize. It helps businesses to access the schools and offers an original open-innovation program which allowed 36 students to work alongside professionals. The finalization of the Patrick Drahidonation of €1m per year from 2014 has led to an international online training offering (MOOCs).
Innovation: supporting and stimulating initiatives in schools
Supporting entrepreneurship in the graduate schools is one of the founding commitments of the Fondation Mines-Télécom. It supported 10 start-ups which won loans on trust of €150,000 in 2014 and spent €102,000 helping incubators in Télécom schools. Also, it has encouraged collaboration between businesses, SMEs and researchers through a specially organized day.
Research: financing research on topics of the future
It contributed to the financing of 14 thesis projects and awarded prizes totalling €10,000 for the best theses to 4 students. The funding of teaching/research Chairs takes up 45.3% of its operational budget; it has contributed to the funding of two new chairs on Big Data. It also awards the Prix Jean Jerphagnon to promote technological innovation and the diffusion of optics and phototonics.
Foresight: revealing new trends which will shape digital transition
It funded IMT’s Digital Future think tank to the tune of €150,000. It promoted new digital trends across 6 breakfast meetings and debates in 2014. Ever mindful of technological change, it published a book on the theme Higher Education in the Digital Age: the Rise of the MOOCs and a book on foresight titled Leadership et nouvelles expressions de pouvoir à l’ère numérique.
“Thanks to the support of its sponsors and partners, Fondation Mines-Télécom has successfully carried out a number of projects involved in the digital transformation of our society. This year, we are continuing to achieve our ambitions through programs which take innovation further still” Guy Roussel, President of Fondation Mines-Télécom.