IMT to hold 2 Technology Days in Grenoble and Nancy

Bourses aux technologies

Bourses aux technologies, or Technology Days organized by IMT, are opportunities for meetings and discussion between researchers and SMEs. The objective of the scheme is to give SMEs easier access to academic research results in order to be able to develop tomorrow’s innovations. The scheme is original in that it provides technologies from all the schools of the Institut and its partners, in one field in a particular region.

Links between SMEs and the academic world are seldom strong and there is need to strengthen them for innovative technologies. The academic world is continuously producing innovative technologies that can be transferred to the industrial world to create new applications on the market. To connect the two worlds, IMT, a leading player in research and innovation, will take the concept of Bourse aux technos a step further, holding events in Grenoble on 22 May and Nancy on 6 June. The scheme was launched in 2007 and involves its regional partners. These two events are held under the program for the promotion of public research body technologies, implemented by the Consortium de Valorisation Thématique CVSTENE (Future Investments) and dedicated to digital sciences and technologies.
The 1st Bourse aux technos will be held on 22 May at Grenoble Ecole de Management on the theme “Innovating in the energy sector”

in partnership with the Tenerrdis and Minalogic competitiveness clusters.

> 10.00-11.15am – Round table discussion, “How do you turn your innovation projects into reality: access to disruptive technologies, the international market, etc? What is the place for innovative SMEs?”
With Nicolas Leterrier, VP Innovation from Schneider Electric, Christophe Kieny, Tenerrdis Innovation Officer, Richard Biagioni, CEO France of KIC Innoenergy, Stéphane Lubiarz, Head of International Hubs at IMT and 2 managers of innovative SMEs.

> 11.15am-12.30pm – Presentation of technologies and their potential applications by researchers in the fields of Smartgrids, electrical mobility, energy savings, energy harvesting, micro-batteries, energy and the environment, power conversion, etc., and from Mines Nantes, Mines ParisTech, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis as well as the CEA Leti, Grenoble INP, SupCom Tunis, etc.

> 12.30-4.00pm – Networking lunch and exhibition: technology demonstration and discussion with researchers to identify opportunities for cooperation


The 2nd Bourse aux technos will take place on Friday 6 June at Mines Nancy on the theme, “Materials, energy and processes”

in partnership with the CCI Meurthe et Moselle, CCI de Lorraine, the Materalia competitiveness cluster, the Université de Lorraine and the ICEEL Carnot Institute.

Program from 9.00am to 1.00pm

> Presentation of 14 technologies and their potential applications by researchers, from Mines ParisTech, Télécom Paris and also Inria, the Université de Bourgogne, the Université de Lorraine, SupCom Tunis, etc.

> Round table discussion: “How do you turn your innovation projects into reality: access to disruptive technologies, meeting customer needs, business model, international expansion, etc?”
With Saint Gobain, EDF, Head of Valuation from the Université de Lorraine, an Innovation representative from IMT and the founders of 2 innovative SMEs.

> Award of “technology offering the best opportunities for economic development” prize given by Lorraine Regional Council.

> Networking lunch on site

> Exhibition of prototypes and demonstration of technologies

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