How can the imbalances between the human need for natural resources and their availability be addressed?
Global growth in recent decades has been developing rapidly. This development creates strong imbalances between the human need for natural resources and their availability. The use of secondary raw materials as a substitute for natural materials is therefore becoming a major necessity and challenge for the industrial, political and scientific worlds. Reusing these secondary raw materials in different fields of application requires the control of several parameters of primary importance such as economic, environmental technical and sustainability factors.
To address these issues, IMT expertise deals with the transformation and new uses of resources along the entire value chain, for example issues of:
- understanding and controlling the interaction of these new resources (secondary raw materials) with their host environments,
- consideration of environmental, biological, geotechnical, mechanical and economic parameters
- designing eco-materials, recycling and reuse processes, industries and works of the future based on secondary raw materials
- development of value chains
Our success stories
“Handbook on characterization of biomass, biowaste and related by-products” written by Ange NZIHOU.
This book provides authoritative information, techniques and data necessary for the appropriate understanding of biomass and biowaste (understood as contaminated biomass) composition and behaviour while processed in various conditions and technologies.
Flash treatment unit, SEDICIM Project: Installation and commissioning of the flash calcination furnace for sediment valorisation
In education too, we are thinking about renewable energy and sustainable development with a project in the Eco-design, Materials and Processes department (ECOMAP) based on the manufacture of boat wind turbine blades made from bio-sourced materials.
(the video is in French)