Scientific awards and distinctions 2018
All year long, researchers and PhD students from IMT schools are honored at various international conferences and symposia. They are also rewarded by scholarly societies and given grants for their remarkable contribution to scientific progress in their respective domains.
November – IMT-Académie des Sciences Grand Prix Award
Ange Nzihou, a researcher at IMT Mines Albi and director of the RAPSODEE laboratory, received the IMT-Académie des Sciences Grand Prix Award. He is a pioneering researcher in the area of waste recovery and has played a major role in bringing together an international scientific community around this field of research.
October –L’Oréal-Unesco “For Women in Science” scholarship
Audrey Francisco-Bosson, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, won a L’Oréal-Unesco “For Women in Science” scholarship. She was one of 30 young female researchers to be recognized for research excellence by a jury chaired by professor Sébastien Candel, president of the Académie des Sciences.
September – Best Paper Award
Hristina Hristova, Xavier Corbillon and Gwendal Simon, researchers at IMT Atlantique, and their co-authors, won the Best paper award for their article, “Heterogeneous Spatial Quality for Omnidirectional Video,” presented at MMSP 2018, IEEE 20th International workshop on multimedia signal processing.
September – Best Poster Award
Khawla Mallat and Jean-Luc Dugelay, researchers in the Digital Security department at Eurocom, received a Best Poster Award at the BIOSIG 2018, Biometrics Special Interest Group conference for their presentation entitled, “Multi-variation visible and thermal face database for cross-spectrum face recognition”.
September – Best Paper Award
Olfa Ben Ahmed and Benoît Huet, researchers in the Data Science department at Eurocom, received a Best Paper Award for their article, “Deep Multimodal Features for Movie Genre and Interestingness Prediction,” presented at CBMI 2018, International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing.
September – RAID Outstanding Service Award
Marc Dacier, a researcher at Eurecom, received a RAID Outstanding Service Award for his 20 years of leadership and commitment, which were instrumental to the creation and success of the RAID, International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses.
August– Senior Member IEEE
Soumya Kanti Datta, a researcher in the Communication Systems department at Eurocom, was promoted to Senior Member IEEE, in recognition of the quality of his work.
August – Best Young Researcher Communication Award
Oussama Batata, a researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne’s Center for Health Engineering, was awarded the Best Young Researcher Communication Award at GISEH 2018, the 9th Francophone conference on hospital systems management and engineering, for his article, “The Impact of Respite Care Services on Caregiver Exhaustion,” co-authored by Vincent Augusto and Xiaolan Xie (Mines Saint-Étienne), Anne Lefranc and Emmanuelle Grandaud (Alqualine firm), Matthias Schell and David Perol (Léon Bérard Center).
August – Distinguished Reviewer Award
Paolo Papotti, a researcher in the Data Science department at Eurecom, received the Distinguished Reviewer Award at VLDB 2018, the 44th International conference on very large data bases.
July- Prix Atos-Joseph Fourier 2018
5 innovative projects received the Atos-Joseph Fourier Award 2018, including the project of Stéphan Clémençon, applied mathematics researcher at Télécom Paris and winner in the artificial intelligence category. This prize recognizes outstanding works in numerical simulation, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
July – Best Student Paper Award
Thibault Rieutord, PhD student at Télécom Paris, Yuan He, and their co-author Petr Kuznetsov, researcher at Télécom Paris, received a Best Student Paper Award for their paper “An Asynchronous Computability Theorem for Fair Adversaries”. They were presented with the award during the 2018 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2018).
June – Best Papier Award
Xavier Corbillon and Gwendal Simon, researchers at IMT Atlantique, and their co-authors, received a Best paper award for “Dynamic Adaptive Streaming for Multi-Viewpoint Omnidirectional Videos,” an article presented at MMSys 2018, the 9th ACM International conference on multimedia systems.
June – Best Poster Award
Irfan Khan and Jérôme Härri, researchers at Eurecom, received a Best Poster Award during the 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV 2018). Their poster is entitled: “Integration Challenges of Facilities-Layer DCC for Heterogeneous V2X Services”.
June – Best article Award
Jean-Marie Nicolas, researcher at Télécom Paris, and his co-authors received the Best Paper Award for “Visualization of radar time series changes: testing the REACTIV method on a global scale through Google Earth Engine” during the French Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference (CFPT).
June – Best Student Paper Award
Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas and Dirk Slock, researchers at Eurecom, received a Best Student Paper Award for their paper “Deterministic annealing for hybrid beamforming design in multi-cell MU-MIMO systems” during the 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2018).
June – Distinguished Paper Award
Walid Gaaloul, Hayet Brabra, researchers at Télécom SudParis, and their co-authors received a Distinguished Paper Award for their paper “Model-Driven Elasticity for Cloud Resources” during the 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2018).
June – Best Poster Award
Raj Haresh Patel, Jérôme Härri and Christian Bonnet, researchers at Eurecom, received a Best Poster Award during the 2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems (MFTS 2018). See the poster: “Accounting for localization errors in a mixed-vehicle centralized control system”.
Enrico Palumbo and Raphaël Troncy, researchers in the Eurocom Data Science department, received a Best Poster Award for their poster “Knowledge graph embeddings with node2vec for item recommendation”, presented during the 15th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2018).
May – Albert Portevin 2018 medals
Nathalie Bozzolo, professor at Mines ParisTech was awarded with the Albert Portevin medal 2018 by the French Society for Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M). This medal is bestowed every two years on an individual of French or foreign nationality, who has made an outstanding contribution to Albert Portevin’s main fields of work, notably the transformation and shaping properties of materials.
May – 2018 Seoul Test of Time Award
Fabian Suchanek, researcher at Télécom Paris, and his co-authors received the 2018 Seoul Test of Time Award during the 27th International World Wide Web Conference (a.k.a. the Web Conference 2018) for their paper entitled “YAGO: A Core of Semantic Knowledge Unifying WordNet and Wikipedia”.
April – Best Paper Award
Adlen Ksentini, researcher at Eurecom, and his co-authors received a Best Paper Award for their paper “Efficient Virtual Evolved Packet Core Deployment Across Multiple Cloud Domains”, presented at the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2018).
April – Best Student Paper Award
Anas El Rhammad, PhD student at Télécom Paris, and his co-authors Patrick Gioia, Antonin Gilles, Marco Cagnazzo and Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu, received the Best Student Paper Award for their paper “View-dependent compression of digital hologram based on matching pursuit”, published in SPIE Photonics Europe, vol. 10679 (April 2018).
April – Thesis Prize of the Society of Biomechanics 2018
Fanette Chassagne, PhD student at Mines Saint-Étienne, won the 2018 Thesis Prize of the Society of Biomechanics, sponsored by Biometrics. She did her thesis at the SAINBIOSE laboratory under the co-supervision of Pierre Badel, Jérôme Molimard (Mines Saint-Etienne/CIS) and Pascal Giraux (Université Jean Monnet). Her work focused on the biomechanical study of the effects of compression strips on the lower limbs.
April – IAPR Fellow 2018
Jean-Luc Dugelay, professor at Eurecom, was promoted to the rank of IAPR Fellow 2018. The prestigious IAPR Fellow Award of the International Association for Pattern Recognition is conferred every two years on individuals who have made a remarkable contribution to the field of pattern recognition and the activities of the IAPR.
April – Médaille CNFRS URSI-France 2018
The CNFRS URSI-France 2018 medal was awarded to Dirk Slock, professor at Eurecom. The medal is awarded by the Academy of Sciences to honor a scientist who is contributing or has done so at least over the past six years to making remarkable progress in the field of radio science and has participated in the scientific activities of either the French or international community.
March – Erudite Professor
Vladislav A. Yastrebov, a researcher in solid mechanics at the Mines ParisTech Materials Center, and a specialist in the topic of contact and friction between solid bodies, won the CNRS 2018 bronze medal.
March – Erudite Professor
Ange Nzihou, researcher at IMT Mines Albi and director of the RAPSODEE laboratory (Research of Albi in process engineering, divided solids, energy and environment), was named Erudite Professor by the Mahatma Ghandi University in India. Ange Nzihou has been working for over 10 years on upgrading waste into an economic resource.
February – Prix Breakthrough and Innovative Research in New Materials for Energy and Environment
Ange Nzihou, director of the RAPSODEE laboratory of IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux and his research team, were given the prize “Breakthrough and Innovative Research in New Materials for Energy and Environment” from the World Topical Award.
February – Meilleur article du GT2L
Hamza Ben-Ticha, PhD student in the Production and Logistics Science department of CMP de Mines Saint-Étienne, was given the GT2L (Work, Transport and Logistics Group) Best Paper Award during the ROADEF 2018 conference for his talk on the topic “Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and road network information” (authors: Hamza Ben Ticha, Nabil Absi, Dominique Feillet, Alain Quilliot and Tom van Woensel).
February – Best Student Paper Award
Alexandre Lima, PhD student at Mines Saint-Étienne, won a Best Student Paper Awardfor his paper “Joint Distribution Learning for Time Constraints Tunnels Management in Semiconductor Manufacturing”, during the 2018 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing and Intelligence (ISMI 2018) (authors: Alexandre Lima, Valerio Borodin, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès, Philippe Vialletelle).