If you want to know more about the institute’s research themes, read about our researchers in the Live Labs: there is augmented surgery, quantum cryptography, oceanographic data, and more.

Flax and hemp among tomorrow’s high-performance composite materials – Chung-Hae Park, Mines Douai
Live labs, NewsComposite materials are increasingly being used in industry, especially in the transport sectors (automotive and aeronautics). These lightweight and multifunctional materials have great potential for limiting environmental footprint, and will…

Digital commons: individual interests to serve a community – Nicolas Jullien, Télécom Bretagne
Live labs, NewsIn a world where the economy is increasingly service-based, digital commons is key to developing the collaborative economy. At Télécom Bretagne, Nicolas Jullien, an economics researcher, is studying online epistemic communities, creation communities…

Pollution control by constructed wetlands: an expanding French industry – Florent Chazarenc, Mines Nantes
Live labs, NewsThe ability of wetland areas to retain and treat a wide variety of pollutants in urban and rural areas has been known about for a number of years. Understanding how they work has facilitated the creation of biofilters such as constructed wetalnds.…

Biosensors for monitoring herbicides in water
Headlines news, Live labs, NewsWater preservation and management involves detecting its pollutants. Among those most frequently found in surface water and groundwater are weed-killers, such as the well-known glyphosate. At Mines Alès, Ingrid Bazin is working on developing…

When biology meets electronics
Headlines news, Live labs, NewsSince starting at Mines Saint-Etienne in 2009, researcher Róisín Owens has created unusual devices: cell cultures coupled with electronic monitoring, able to give a real-time measurement of the state of health and reactions of cells when confronted…

The internet of tomorrow: New issues, new challenges, Daniel Kofman, Télécom Paris
Live labs, NewsIn just a few years the internet has revolutionized daily life, becoming part of every aspect of society. However, the coming transformations may go much deeper, leading to major changes in the paradigms of vertical markets such as healthcare,…

Precision measurement and characterization, Yaneck Gottesman, Télécom SudParis
Live labs, NewsYaneck Gottesman, a metrologist and specialist in the analysis and characterization of components, contributes to the development of the Optics and Photonics laboratory at Télécom SudParis. The lab is equipped with innovative high-performance…

Intelligence incarnated, a bio-inspired approach in the field of robotics – Frédéric Boyer, Mines Nantes
Live labs, NewsUsing nature as inspiration is certainly the oldest scientific approach and one that still has much to reveal. Bio-inspired robotics is a research topic at Mines Nantes that uses this process. It does not aim to simply mimic, but actually to…

Marine pollution as seen by ultrafast cameras – Pierre Slangen, Mines Alès
Live labs, NewsUltrafast cameras unveil processes that are invisible to the naked eye. At Mines Alès, Pierre Slangen, a specialist in applied optics, uses them to build advanced technology devices and thus to understand how gases and liquids are diffused…

Biomechanics serving healthcare – Stéphane Avril, Mines Saint-Etienne
Live labs, NewsStéphane Avril, a researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, describes himself as a “biomechanics” but would like to become a “mechanobiologist”, a switch from studying the mechanical properties of the body to decoding its biological mechanisms…

Automated learning from data – Stéphan Clémençon, Télécom Paris
Live labs, NewsBig Data is an issue not only of technology, but also for society. Aware of the value of data, IMT has made it a major field of research, because a new approach is needed in order to store, share and use data to achieve optimal use. Machine…
IMT is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research for innovation.
It is a key player in the fusion of science, engineering and digital technology, and takes its schools’ skills into the major fields of transformation in digital technology, industry, energy and the environment as well as their impact on the industry of the future, cities, health, and autonomy.