Sharing knowledge in a specific field to promote research excellence
IMT has partnered with other research institutions in order to combine and share knowledge and expertise. IMT and its graduate schools are partners in a number of joint research units and have set up several common laboratories with industrial partners.
Joint or international research units
IMT Atlantique
IMT Atlantique | UMR 6144 – GEPEA | CNRS, Université de Nantes, ONIRIS |
IMT Atlantique | UMR 6004 – LS2N | CNRS, Université de Nantes, Central Nantes, INRIA (partenaire) |
IMT Atlantique | UMR 6285 – Lab-Sticc | CNRS, Université Bretagne Occidentale, Université Bretagne Sud, ENSTA Bretagne, ENIB |
IMT Atlantique | UMR 6074 – IRISA | CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, Université de Bretagne Sud, INSA Rennes, Centrale Supelec, ENS Rennes, , INRIA (associé) |
IMT Atlantique | UMR 6457 – SUBATECH | CNRS, Université de Nantes |
IMT Atlantique | EA 2652 – LEGO | Université Bretagne Occidentale, |
IMT Atlantique | UMR 1101 – LaTIM | INSERM, Université Bretagne Occidentale, CHU Brest |
IMT Atlantique | EA 4742- LEMNA |
IMT Lille Douai
IMT Lille-Douai | UMR 9189 – Cristal | CNRS, Université de Lille 1, Centrale Lille en partenariat avec l’Université de Lille 3 et INRIA |
IMT Mines Albi
IMT Mines Albi | UMR 5312 – ICA | CNRS, INSA Toulouse, ISAE SUPAERO, Université Paul Sabatier, |
IMT Mines Albi | UMR 5302 – RAPSODEE | CNRS |
Institut Mines-Télécom
IMT | UMI 2955- IPAL | CNRS, The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), the National University of Singapore, Sorbonne University, Joseph Fourier University and The National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse |
Mines Nancy
Mines Nancy | UMR 7198 – Institut Jean Lamour | CNRS, Université de Lorraine |
Mines Nancy | UMR 7503 – LORIA | CNRS, Université de Lorraine, INRIA |
Mines Nancy | UMR 7563 – LEMTA | CNRS, Université de Lorraine |
Mines Nancy | UMR 7359 Géoressources | CNRS, Université de Lorraine, CREGU |
Mines ParisTech
Mines ParisTech | UMR 7633 – Centre des Matériaux | CNRS, Mines ParisTech |
Mines ParisTech | UMR 7185 -Centre de sociologie de l’innovation | CNRS, Mines ParisTech |
Mines ParisTech | UMR 7635 – CEMEF | CNRS, Mines ParisTech |
Mines ParisTech | UMR 7649 – LMS | CNRS, Mines ParisTech, Polytechnique |
Mines ParisTech | UMR-S900 – Cbio | INSERM, Mines ParisTech, Institut Curie |
Mines Saint-Etienne
Mines Saint Etienne | UMR 5307 – Georges Friedel | CNRS, Mines Saint Etienne |
Mines Saint Etienne | UMR 5516 – Hubert Curien | CNRS, Mines Saint Etienne, Université Jean Monnet, Institut d’optique Graduate School |
Mines Saint Etienne | UMR 6158 – LIMOS | CNRS, Mines Saint Etienne, Université d’Auvergne |
Mines Saint Etienne | UMR 1059 – SAINBIOSE | INSERM, Mines Saint Etienne, Université Jean Monnet |
Mines Saint Etienne | UMR 5600 – EVS | CNRS, Université Lyon 3, Université Lyon 2, Université Jean Monnet, INSA Lyon, ENTPE, Mines Saint-Etienne, ENSA Lyon, ENS de Lyon |
Télécom Paris
Télécom Paris | UMR 9217 – I3 | CNRS, Mines ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, Télécom Paris |
Télécom SudParis
Télécom SudParis | UMR 5157 – SAMOVAR | CNRS, Télécom SudParis |
Télécom Paris - Télécom Ecole Physique de Strasbourg
Télécom ParisTélécom Physique de Strasbourg | UMR 7357 – ICube | CNRS, INSA Strasbourg, ENGEES Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, INRIA, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Télécom Paris |
Joint laboratories with industrial partners
IMT Atlantique
SEPEMED-Joint Laboratory on Security and Processing of Externalized Medical Image Data – Joint laboratory with ANR
SePEMeD (Joint Laboratory on Security and Processing of Externalized Medical Image Data) is the first “LabCom” (JointLab) recognized by the National Research Agency (ANR) in Brittany and is devoted to the topic of security at the national level.
It studies key issues in information and communication processing in healthcare which are necessary for the implementation of telemedicine and the “Medical cloud.” This label is part of the ANR LabCom (Joint Lab) program, which aims to encourage public research players to create new partnerships through developing “Joint laboratories” between companies and public research laboratories.
SePEMeD is supported by the Laboratory of Medical Information Processing (Latim-Inserm UMR 1101-UBO), Institut Mines-Télécom/Télécom Bretagne and MEDECOM.
TransOp – Operational resource planning for passenger transportation with EuroDécision – Joint laboratory with ANR
Planning urban and trans-urban transportation is an important issue for industrial societies of today. Territorial collectivities and transportation operators must consider a number of aspects, including: human and material resource optimization, compliance with environmental and social constraints, and meeting users’ needs.
This shared laboratory, bringing together Eurodécision’s business expertise with the scientific know-how of IMT Atlantique’s TASC team (via ARMINES), will help solve two key problems: scheduling (vehicles – bus, train, tramways, bus – planning on routes) and driver duty planning (assigning staff to those routes). Not only are these problems increasingly complex (regulation, network expansion), they are also increasingly sensitive to vagaries (incidents, accidents, unavailability) in the production phase.
The aim of the joint laboratory (LabCom ANR) is to provide formalism and resolution methods able to recover tactical planning at the operational level to help planners effectively respond to regulation requirements (establishment and operational monitoring of staff schedules).
IMT Lille Douai - IMT Mines Alès
Historically, the IMT schools have made a priority of developing training programs and research on natural and artificial mineral materials, particularly those that can be applied to the areas of construction and civil engineering. This is especially true for IMT Mines Alès and IMT Lille Douai.
Both schools benefit from the presence of some twenty research professors in this field, graduate approximately 130 engineers each year and have around twenty PhD students working in the two laboratories.
The aim of this Civil Engineering Institute is to establish a single supervisory organization to foster and enhance synergy between IMT Mines Alès and IMT Lille Douai.
IMT Mines Albi
RESPECTc – Resources and Energy from By-Products for Firing Clay Products with the TERREAL company – Joint laboratory with ANR
The LabCom (Joint Lab) ANR RESPECTc program focuses on using resources (by-products) and energy, located in close proximity to production sites, to fire clay products.
The objectives are threefold:
– conserve natural clay resources by partially substituting clay with agricultural by-products
– produce innovative, added-value construction materials (clay bricks)
– use energy produced through thermochemical conversion of agricultural by-products and various types of biomass
Mines Saint-Etienne
LUPPIAM -Machining, powders and processes, and interfaces in mechanical assemblies
CETIM, ENISE and Mines Saint-Étienne signed an agreement on advanced manufacturing processes on 7 January 2016, establishing a long-term partnership with the Loire region.
Founded by the Carnot Institute, CETIM and ENISE, the joint laboratory for machining, powders and processes, and interfaces in mechanical assemblies (Luppiam) aims to develop advanced manufacturing processes (processing and assembly) drawing on the technologies and expertise of the partner laboratories: metallic additive manufacturing, machining.
The school’s Georges Friedel Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5307) will provide scientific expertise in the field of material characterization.
Télécom Paris
BART (Blockchain Advanced Research & Technologies ) with Inria, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis and SystemX, through a framework agreement to coordinate their research efforts in this field
Signed on 6 March 2018 in Paris, this framework agreement formalized the creation of the BART (Blockchain Advanced Research & Technologies) joint research initiative: a first in France in the field of blockchain technology. Some thirty researchers from the four institutions are combining their expertise and research efforts in order to overcome the scientific obstacles involved in this disruptive technology, according to a shared roadmap, which has been established for a six-year period.
AllegoRI: 3D science and technology and computer graphics, with Allegorithmic – Joint laboratory with ANR
The objective of the AllegoRI joint laboratory (LabCom (Joint Lab) ANR) is to initiate a joint research project on 3D sciences and technologies between Télécom Paris’s computer graphics team and the Allegorithmic firm. This project aims to improve 3D content creation methods which play a major role in the creative industry and in emerging media, such as video games, virtual reality, digital manufacturing and the 3D web, by combining Télécom Paris’s scientific expertise with the industrial expertise of Allegorithmic.
Bibli-Lab: uses of libraries’ digital heritage, with the French National Library (BNF)
Online uses of digitized holdings is an important area of study for the BnF (the National Library of France), as it is committed to adapting its offerings in this field and to understanding how such offerings may be appropriated. In order to ensure strong scientific coherence in this field of study, the BnF has partnered with Télécom Paris to found Bibli-Lab, a laboratory for studying the uses of libraries’ digital heritage.
This partnership comprises application agreements and comes as a response to national and international calls for projects.
Exalt Design Lab: promoting design in companies
Strate School of Design, Télécom Paris and Ecole Polytechnique, with the support of Carrefour, OTIS, MAIF, InProcess and EMAKINA, have created the EXALT Design Lab, the first joint research laboratory dedicated to promoting design in companies,.
The EXALT Design Lab research project is devoted to working with corporate partners on solutions for making design a central part of their strategic planning, in order to anticipate and respond more effectively to the complexity of markets and to a changing society. Faced with a complex and uncertain world, design is now a discipline (and a career) that helps support the transformations companies must undergo in order to meet the requirements of attractiveness, competitiveness and the search for meaning.
ISA: Identity & Security Alliance, with Morpho (Safran)
Morpho, a subsidiary of the SAFRAN group, is the world’s leading biometric security company. It has regularly worked on joint research projects with the school for several years, and a researcher from the company is based at Télécom Paris.
Morpho and Télécom Paris have decided to anchor this collaboration by setting up a joint laboratory: “IDentity & Security Alliance (The Morpho and Telecom ParisTech Research Center),” which was launched in March 2011. The laboratory works on topics in different fields related to security and identity, such as IT security and cryptography, components security, identity management systems etc.
“The aim is to unlock the potential for applications in the field of secure identity management in its broadest sense. We feel that today, as citizens, individuals and members of an organization, our identity, and the rights pertaining to it are crucial to the functioning of modern society: the right to vote, the right to open a bank account, as well as the right to consume online services as anonymously as possible, but under conditions that ensure the security of all parties. This laboratory seeks to build a scientific knowledge base to support these next-generation applications,” explains Gérard Memmi, head of the Network and Computer Science department at Télécom Paris and Vincent Bouatou, Director of External Research at Morpho.
Lincs: Internet of the future, with Nokia, Inria, UPMC and SystemX
The LINCS laboratory – Laboratory for Information, Networking and Communication Sciences, a joint research laboratory for the Internet of the future, was created in October 2010 by Nokia, Inria, UPMC and Télécom Paris and officially launched in May 2011. SystemX Institute of Research and Technology has since joined the laboratory.
Seido: security for the Internet of Things, with EDF R&D
EDF R&D and Telecom ParisTech are creating a Joint Research Laboratory, called the “SEIDO Laboratory,” devoted to the Internet of Things and cybersecurity for electrical systems.
Its purpose is to prepare for and facilitate the deployment of energy demand management services based on the interoperability of appliances (heaters, air conditioners, white and brown goods, electric vehicles etc.) to help ensure the coherence, efficiency and safety (security, privacy etc.) of the entire system.
This laboratory brings together specialists from a wide range of disciplinary fields (security, networks, the internet, the energy industry, electrical networks etc.) around common industrial aims.
TTool: 5G, the next major phase in the evolution of mobile communication standards, with Nokia
The fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) defines the next major phase in the evolution of mobile telecommunication standards. As indicated by leading telecommunications stakeholders in the Next Generation Mobile Networks alliance, 5G should provide faster data speeds and meet new use requirements, such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing. In order to support a large number of different communication protocols in a flexible way, electronic systems (platforms) for a fifth generation network will be developed, in particular with reprogrammable architectures.
The main objective of this collaboration between Nokia Bell Labs and Télécom Paris is therefore to develop new programming techniques and algorithms based on high-level models that allow engineers to distance themselves from the complexity of these platforms and to quickly (re)program/reconfigure them. These techniques and algorithms will be integrated and made available in the computer-aided design tool TTool/Diplodocus (free license).
Valeo.IA: artificial intelligence for autonomous vehicles, with CEA, Inria, Mines ParisTech and Valeo
First research center opened on artificial intelligence and deep learning for automobiles (125 Ko)
Whist Lab: Wave Human Interactions and Telecommunications, with Orange Labs
In light of their specific research objectives and the current scientific environment, Institut Mines-Télécom and Orange Labs have decided to reinforce their shared research capabilities in the field of electromagnetism applied to dosimetry and wave-human interactions to help research teams harmonize their research and innovation activities based on jointly-identified areas of research:
- Electromagnetism and digital methods for dosimetry, human-wave interactions and BAN communications
- Electromagnetism for new Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI)
- Adaptation and development of methods and experimental tools applied to measurements and sensors related to human-wave interactions
- 3D image processing, development of anatomic models for modeling human-wave interactions
- Assessment of interactions between humans and radio-frequency waves
This partnership takes the form of a joint research laboratory, called WHIST LAB.
Télécom SudParis
BART (Blockchain Advanced Research & Technologies): Inria, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis and SystemX sign a framework agreement to coordinate their research efforts in this field.
Signed on 6 March 2018 in Paris, this framework agreement formalized the creation of the BART (Blockchain Advanced Research & Technologies) joint research project: a first in France in the field of blockchain technology. Some thirty researchers from the four institutions are combining their expertise and research efforts in order to overcome the scientific obstacles involved in this disruptive technology, according to a shared roadmap, which has been established for a six-year period.