A look back at Global Industrie 2024
Headlines news, NewsThe Global Industrie Exhibition held from March 25-28 was the unmissable event for the entire industrial ecosystem.
Call for applications on IMT and EULiST PhD students
Europe, Headlines news, News, Recherche & Innovation, ResearchPhD students of IMT, develop your skills, expand your network, and contribute to European research with EULiST.
Innovative solutions in green AI: news from GreenHack~IT 2024
Headlines news, NewsThe GreenHack~IT 2024 Hackathon, jointly organized by Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM), was a real success.
Olivier Huart appointed for a second term as Chairman of the Institut Mines-Télécom Board of Directors
Headlines news, News, Press releaseAppointed by Presidential decree on February 23, 2024, based on proposals by the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Olivier Huart, Chairman and CEO of TDF Group, will continue his role as Chairman of the Institut Mines-Télécom Board of Directors for a second term.
Gaia-X French Hub: sixth plenary session
Headlines news, News, Press releaseThis 6th session, in collaboration with Cigref, was held on Friday, March 8th at the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Digital and Industrial Sovereignty, in the presence of Marina Ferrari, Secretary of State for Digital Affairs. It brought together more than 200 people.
ENFIELD project : open call until March 31 for the first exchange program for AI researchers
Headlines news, International, News, Recherche & InnovationThe EU-funded ENFIELD project has allocated €1.1 million to support a total of 76 researcher mobility projects to respond to specific ENFIELD challenges through four rounds of open calls for exchange.
A look back at the annual #StOpE initiative ceremony: Institut Mines-Télécom celebrates one year of commitment to the collective!
Headlines news, NewsOn January 25, 2024, the first official national anti-sexism day, the French Association of Diversity Managers (AFMD) celebrated the fifth anniversary of the #StOpE initiative at the annual ceremony.
IMT is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research for innovation.
It is a key player in the fusion of science, engineering and digital technology, and takes its schools’ skills into the major fields of transformation in digital technology, industry, energy and the environment as well as their impact on the industry of the future, cities, health, and autonomy.