Discover the new recruitment website of IMT and its schools!
Headlines news, NewsAll job offers within IMT are now published on the recruitment website. Applications are made directly by clicking on the job description via an online form or Indeed profile. You will also be able to share the offer on social networks.
IMT at CES 2021 with 10 start-up
Headlines news, News, Recherche & Innovation, ResearchThe Institut Mines-Télécom is present at CES 2021 from 11 to 14 January 2021 with the 10 start-ups that won the Bercy-IMT Innovation Prize.
CELTIC-NEXT Innovation Award 2020 presented to the E3 consortium, of which IMT is a member
Headlines news, News, Recherche & InnovationThe European project E3 - E-health services Everywhere and for Everybody Solution (part of the Celtic Plus/Eurêka family), of which the Institut Mines-Télécom is a member, was awarded its 3rd European prize.
Passing away of Marc Girod-Genet, senior lecturer at Télécom SudParis
NewsThe Institut Mines-Télécom is deeply saddened to learn of the decease of Marc Girod-Genet, lecturer at Télécom SudParis and associate researcher at SAMOVAR (UMR 5157 CNRS/Télécom SudParis) from the devastating aftermath of COVID-19, at the age of 50.
Institut Mines-Télécom/Sup de Co Dakar Bachelor’s program begins its second year
Headlines news, News, Press releaseA year after it was created, the program has welcomed its second cohort of students. The 19 first-year students started their school year on November 25th 2020.
Digital Sobriety Forum
Headlines news, NewsIMT is organizing a Digital Sobriety Forum for students from its schools on 22 and 28 January 2021. The event will bring together academic and professional experts, entrepreneurs, civil society and alumni to provide students with an understanding of what digital sobriety is, why it is needed, and the role future graduates and alumni of IMT are poised to play as engineers of tomorrow.
2020 IMT- Académie des Sciences Awards for Gaël Richard and Étienne Perret
Headlines news, News, Press release, Recherche & InnovationThe 2020 ceremony will be entirely virtual and will be held on 1 December. It will reward two researchers, who specialize respectively in audio signal processing and identification and in low-cost RFID sensors for identification applications.
IMT is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research for innovation.
It is a key player in the fusion of science, engineering and digital technology, and takes its schools’ skills into the major fields of transformation in digital technology, industry, energy and the environment as well as their impact on the industry of the future, cities, health, and autonomy.