New MOOCs to start the academic year
Have you made any resolutions for the 2016 academic year? IMT is offering several MOOCs starting September that allow you to develop your skills. Management, innovation, networks and telecommunications, statistics… in French or in English, courses with and without an end qualification, there is something for everyone!
A MOOC with a qualification
Principles of data networks
This course explains how data networks work, such as the Internet and telephone networks that enable communication and access to information.
Dates: September 8 – January 31
Receive your certificate from IMT and enhance your skills. Certificate fee: €60
Two MOOCs in English
Innovating in a digital world
With this MOOC you will discover 15 fundamental concepts to help you understand the new mechanisms of innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital world. Digital business models, the Internet of Things, open innovation, the new entrepreneurial context…
Dates: September 12 – October 10
Getting started with augmented reality
This MOOC is entirely dedicated to the basic principles behind developing mobile applications that integrate augmented reality technologies.
Dates: September 19 – October 17
And that’s not all…
Introduction to fluid mechanics
This course introducing fluid mechanics is taught in the context of general training for engineering students. It can also be very beneficial for university or self-taught students.
Dates: September 19 – November 6 – With the possibility of receiving a certificate indicating successful completion of the course, issued by FUN.
Understanding collaborative economics
The objective of the MOOC “Understanding collaborative economics” is to provide an understanding of the major principles behind the digital transition of the economy and explain the main socioeconomic mechanisms.
Dates: September 20 – October 23 – With the possibility of receiving a certificate indicating successful completion of the course, issued by FUN.
Upcoming MOOCs
- Innovation and entrepreneurship in a digital world
- Introduction to telecommunications
- Designing and creating models in a Fablab
- Statistics for engineers
The MOOCs offered by IMT