Institut Mines-Télécom takes part in Viva Technology 2021 and presents its ecosystem for innovation
Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) has designed a solid strategy for innovation with a program dedicated to entrepreneurship. It seeks to support the next big success stories, with a special emphasis on breakthrough DeepTech startups. At Stand K11, IMT will present the 32 tech startups selected to participate in the first round of the Bercy-IMT Innovation Awards. In its role as an academic partner for companies, IMT is a founding member of the GAIA-X public-private consortium, which is laying the foundations for a secure, sovereign European cloud network. One year after its official launch, IMT will be making two presentations on the latest advances in the association’s research.
IMT has created the first network of public academic incubators. Year round, the 11 incubation sites led by its schools select and support projects and companies with high technological potential. Each year, a total of 170 innovative projects benefit from their customized support. With a 5-year success rate of 88%, €100 million in annual funding raised, and over 5,000 jobs created in recent years, the network of IMT incubators has proven the effectiveness of its collaborative methods and the strength of its global and local ecosystem.