Institut Mines-Télécom launches the first edition of a summer school to help its faculty members transform their teaching with regard to the ecological transition
In order to educate young engineers and managers on the challenges of the ecological transition, we need to help faculty members transform their classes. With this in mind, Institut Mines-Télécom is organizing the first edition of a summer school from July 5 to 8, 2022, which will bring together the teaching staff of IMT’s graduate schools and partner schools.
The summer school will be held on the IMT Atlantique campus in Brest and will gather 80 participants from Institut Mines-Télécom Schools and nearly ten partner schools. They will share their feedback with each other during thematic sessions. They will also take part in immersive workshops organized by experts on the themes of challenges and teaching methods, such as Low Tech, responsible technology, controversies, life cycle and circular economy analysis tools, biodiversity, and the teacher’s journey.