IMT receives an Excellence Award together with Télécom Nancy, VITEC Multimédia and coordinator Vilynx
In June 2019, IMT and its partners received a new Excellence Award for the E3 project (E-Health services Everywhere & for Everybody).
The European E3 project has developed a telemedicine platform for healthcare professionals and patients that provides access to e-health services regardless of their location.
Collaborative projects have proven to be the most effective tools among IMT’s initiatives aimed at supporting research, economic development and innovation. IMT therefore works alongside its schools, research professors, partners (universities, laboratories, institutional hospitals, etc.), companies and start-ups (often hosted at its incubators).
In keeping with its strategic commitment to health, IMT is partnering with the E3 project (which is itself a follow-up to the Hipermed project).
The European project E3 is a follow-up to the European project HIPERMED (High PERformance teleMEDicine platform developed by the platform of the same name (technical aspects), both coordinated by a Spanish SME, Vilinx.
This research continued with the E3 project, which makes telemedicine even more accessible by allowing services to be used on mobile tools such as tablets and smartphones (using a standard web browser, thanks to WebRTC technology).
The French component of the consortium, represented by Université de Lorraine (Télécom Nancy and CRAN – Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy), Institut Mines Telecom and industrial partner VITEC Multi-média, focuses on professional relationships, as defined with physicians from CHRU de Nancy, including distance learning and remote multidisciplinary consultation meetings.
In addition to sharing expertise, this solution creates significant prospects, including the opportunity to greatly reduce travel fees, both for doctors traveling by car to multidisciplinary consultation meetings and ambulances transporting patients to hospitals.
In the area of education, it also makes it possible for many students to observe operations that previously could only be viewed by less than a dozen students at a time with limited interactivity and without ensuring a good angle for all viewers.
IMT’s strategy for Innovation and Support for Economic Development receives an ample reward: in September, the E3 project was recognized in Amsterdam at the annual event entitled “Creating Ecosystems for Innovation”, attended by Mona Keijzer, the Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs.
E3 was selected from among thousands of projects to receive the “Eureka Innovation Excellence Award” after receiving the “CELTICnext Excellence Award” last June in Valencia and the “eVIA Innova
Bronze Award in 2015. The Hipermed project also won the “EUREKA Innovation Award – 2016, EUREKA Added Value Award – 2016, CELTIC Innovation Award – 2016 and CELTIC Excellence Silver award – 2014,
setting a European record.
About the Excellence Award
Every year, the Excellence Award recognizes outstanding projects in terms of business prospects. Recipients include the Eureka and Celtic projects.
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