Frédérique Vincent, new Director of Education and International Affairs at IMT
Frédérique Vincent, the former Director of the Higher Institute for Environmental Engineering and Management (Institut Supérieur d’Ingénierie et de Gestion de l’Environnement, ISIGE) at Mines ParisTech, took over the position of Director of Education and International Affairs at the IMT Directorate General on 4 January 2016. She replaces Jean-Claude Bara, who has retired.
Frédérique Vincent has a PhD in Hydrology and Quantitative Hydrology from École des Mines de Paris. She began her career researching issues of soil pollution and the behavior of waste. She cofounded ISIGE in 1992 within Mines ParisTech and has been its Director since 2002. In this position, she has contributed to the creation of several training courses in the area of the environment, including some dual degrees with prestigious foreign universities, including Tsinghua University in Beijing and the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.
As a Professor of Environmental Science, for over ten years she has a reflection on innovations in teaching methods in order to meet the challenges of sustainable development. In 2001, she was involved in setting up the Virtual Grande École of the Écoles des Mines Group. Then, in 2005, she participated in creating the Virtual University for the Environment and Sustainable Development. Her research focuses primarily on industrial ecology and the sustainable city.
“I am pleased to lead and coordinate actions in the area of teaching. Teaching methods have experienced a true revolution due to digital technology and the ecological challenges to be faced in the next few years. IMT offers a context that brings together these aspects to better prepare the future engineer.”