IMT schools are constantly developing and transforming their teaching models
Our key goal: preparing engineers and managers for the demands of today’s business world.
Responding to the challenges of educational transformation is an essential part of IMT’s strategy, of equal importance as the industrial or digital transformation.
Our schools have a tradition of being open to the world, society and business.
That is why all of our training programs include professional internships and real-life situations based on actual cases from the business world, in an environment conducive to creativity and the innovative process. We also provide start-up support services for our students.
IMT schools have been using innovative teaching models based on distance learning and online platforms such as MOODLE since the 1990s.
The network of pedagogical engineers available in IMT schools helps professors develop initiatives to enhance students’ soft skills:
Read on Educpros: IMT Lille Douai is developing agile teaching practices for greater student involvement.
For three days, IMT invites developers, start-up founders, students and industry leaders to dream up new services and products for the 3rd industrial revolution.
The Téléfab is an open space for creativity at IMT Atlantique. It aims to make machines, tools and materials available so that students can build their own projects and in doing so, discover what they are capable of creating and inventing.
IMT is one of the leading MOOC providers in France. Nearly 30 online courses are open to individuals seeking to acquire specific professional skillsets for continuing education purposes.
Many MOOCs developed in our schools or at other institutions are also incorporated into our initial training courses. They are based on tools such as serious games, social networks and Fablabs.
MOOCs enable professors to create a “flipped classroom:” students study a portion of the curriculum online and class time with the professor is spent carrying out activity-based learning.
Pairform is an intuitive tool for teachers that allows them to create, disseminate and lead training programs in an interactive way.
A comprehensive progress report on four years of producing and using MOOCs at IMT.
Mathieu Vermeulen, Pedagogical Engineer at IMT Lille Douai, presents his “Jet Storm” project at the 2017 Médiane Seminar.
For many years research professors, pedagogical engineers and support staff from different IMT schools have met regularly either in person or remotely in order to exchange ideas and compare practices.
More generally, projects and events have been introduced to support and foster the development of a common teaching model for all the IMT schools.
Les Matins Malins (Coffee with colleagues) at IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux are monthly meetings that give professors the opportunity to share what they love about teaching.
MEDIANE is IMT’s winter school. It gives research professors, pedagogical engineers and support staff the opportunity to come together once a year to discuss a theme related to teaching practices in our schools.
To meet the challenges of the educational transformation of the 21st century, IMT organizes this annual event in order to identify and initiate key lines of action.
Our research professors’ expertise and experience in innovative teaching practices now extends beyond the confines of our schools.
IMT has been a member of a number of digital universities since they were founded: UNIT (Digital University of Engineering and Technology); UNISCIEL (Online University of Sciences); UVED (Virtual University of the Environment and Sustainable Development).
In addition, one of the IMT schools (IMT Atlantique) was the driving force behind the creation of an international QPES congress (Questions related to teaching methods in higher education), along with the Sherbrook University and the Université Catholique de Louvain. Many professors from our schools are also members of the steering and reading committees.
Furthermore, many of our professors’ research focuses on the use of digital technology for learning, such as web semantics, artificial intelligence in education, etc. They are also active members of the EIAH congress (IT Environment for Human Learning).
Questions related to teaching methods in higher education. Many IMT Atlantique research professors are members of the steering committee and reading committee.
Many teachers from our schools conduct research on the use of digital technology for learning and are also active members of the EIAH congress.
The CRE@TIVE network has developed an interactive mapping tool to help professors tap into the educational potential of ICT tools.
IMT’s major initiatives of tomorrow will focus on these key areas: