E-health application: Institut Mines-Télécom has designed a secure, privacy-aware, tamper-proof protocol
The research team of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair have designed a protocol for e-health applications.
Since it was created in 2013, Institut Mines-Télécom’s Values and Policies of Personal Inform ation Chair (VP-IP) has been exploring issues related to the use and protection of personal data through a multidisciplinary approach. In continuation of this work, its teams have designed the SPOT protocol, which applies to contact tracing health applications developed during the pandemic. This protocol makes it possible to ensure high levels of security and data privacy while offering scalability. It also prevents fraud by preventing malicious users from creating fake warnings of positive cases, a major breakthrough in cybersecurity for this type of application.
In response to the pandemic, national governments and tech giants have developed contact tracing applications to inform people when they come into contact with someone infected with the virus. For this type of critical application, the choice of information exchange protocol is crucial, since it determines the security level for users and their data protection.