High definition 3D graphics at your fingertips – Tamy Boubekeur, Télécom Paris
Live labsIt’s an old dream in the process of becoming reality: the first "3D cameras", allowing you to adjust the angle long after taking the shot, are finally emerging from laboratories. Expectations are huge from professionals in cinema, computer-aided…
An ocean of environmental data to be processed – René Garello, Télécom Bretagne
Live labsIf nowadays we can detect icebergs along the route of the Vendée Globe, track and identify ships causing pollution from space, and define ecological corridors and reserves for the protection of animal species, it is largely thanks to stations…
The security challenges of open IT systems – Maryline Laurent, Télécom SudParis
Live labsIn today’s society, IT security systems are seriously put to the test: clouddata storage, the omnipresence of micro chips, social networking… Not only does constant communication via networks expose cryptographic systems to multitudes of…
Augmented Reality and Surgery: helping surgeons achieve ever-greater accuracy – Chafiaâ Hamitouche, Télécom Bretagne
Live labsQuestions of health, well-being and personal independence are central preoccupations of all modern societies. Age-related illnesses, and our ageing populations, pose a number of social and economic challenges. Over the last two decades, information…
Embodied conversational agents – Catherine Pelachaud, Télécom Paris
Live labsToday we use information technology, tomorrow we’ll use robots… machines of all kinds are an integral part of our daily life. Yet, exchange between machines and us, the users, can sometimes be challenging. How can one communicate naturally…
From turbo codes to the neocortex – Claude Berrou, Télécom Bretagne
Live labsClaude Berrou is the co-inventor of turbo codes, a major development in the history of digital communications now widely used in satellites and high-speed networks. An internationally-respected researcher and recipient of numerous prizes, as…
Putting technology to work to help the elderly and people with restricted mobility – Mounir Mokhtari, IMT
Live labsBy mobilizing its research teams looking for technological solutions to boost autonomy, and supporting the principle of care in the home, IMT is committed to promoting the role of technology in healthcare. The longstanding involvement of Mounir…
Beyond the limits of diffraction: diffractive nanostructures – Kevin Heggarty, Télécom Bretagne
Live labsThey are only a few square centimeters in size and generally pass unnoticed, yet we come into contact with them every day. Diffractive optical technology is behind the holograms on our bank cards, the components which allow for uniform backlighting…
Videotelephony – cost efficiency and the importance of maintaining social links – Christian Licoppe, Télécom Paris
Live labsInformation and communication technology has become woven into the fabric of our daily life – work, leisure, social interaction, identity and more – transforming the way in which we interact with an increasingly technological environment,…