Arnaud MONTEBOURG congratulates the Institut Mines Télécom Graduate Schools: top of the class for their close relationship with businesses

Schools under the responsibility of the Minister for Industrial Recovery came top in the French journal L’Etudiant’s 2014 ranking for “connections between French engineering graduate schools and businesses”. Mines Alès was first out of 160, followed in second and third place by five other schools under the aegis of the Industrial Recovery Ministry.

In these schools close links with businesses form a key part of teaching methods and the work carried out to support economic development. Links are assessed according to the number of graduates abroad, the graduate starting salary, the duration of internships in industry and the number of students on a program combining study and work experience.

The journal l’Etudiant also placed 6 of these schools second among schools “for limited budgets”: evidence of the social openness of Institut Mines Télécom schools, with more than 40% of students holding grants. This exemplary education gives students the best future prospects, as evidenced, for example, by the top position of the three Télécom schools for digital industries.

These results reinforce the fundamental role for industrial recovery played by the 10 Institut Mines Télécom schools that are training the next generation (12,000 students) to take up France’s industrial challenges.

Arnaud MONTEBOURG asked the Mines and Télécom schools to further strengthen their links with local French industries in in order to foster employment, innovation and industrial recovery.

Grouped within the higher education establishment that is the Institut Mines Télécom, the schools are located all over the country: Mines Albi-Carmaux, Mines Alès, Mines Douai, Mines Nantes, Mines ParisTech, Mines Saint-Etienne, Télécom Bretagne, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. The Institut also includes a particularly high-performing school of management: Télécom Ecole de Management. Within these schools a total of nearly 12,000 students are pursuing further studies up to PhD level.

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