A network of excellence between IMT and Brazil
A network of excellence has been set up between IMT and Brazil in the field of health engineering. A delegation from IMT composed of directors and researchers (Michel Pavageau, Pierre Simay, Bernadette Dorizzi, Jerôme Boudy, Vincent Augusto and Maria-Inês Ré) went to Brazil from 28 November to 2 December to work on developing this network of excellence. The first stage will involve meeting institutional partners and laying the foundations of a joint scientific program.
Several joint projects between IMT and Brazilian universities are already in place with the aim of developing new technology in the field, involving both research and education (BRAFITEC*). More recently, a new STIC AMSUD project, proposed for the final 2016 call, has been designed to be a pilot project between IMT and Brazil’s UFC, UFES and IFES universities. The project, called e-Monitor: “Chronic Disease: Ambient Assisted Living and vital teleMONITORing for e-health” could contribute to establishing a network of excellence which is on track to expand to other Brazilian universities, namely UFRJ, PUC Rio, UNICAMP, UFC, UFES, IFES and UFG.
The main research topics developed in this network are:
- Ubiquitous healthcare – led by J. Boudy of Telecom SudParis
- Care Organization – led by Vincent Augusto of Mines Saint-Etienne
- Bio-imaging and signal processing – led by Isabelle Bloch of Telecom ParisTech
- Drug development and delivery systems – led by Maria Ines Ré of Mines Albi-Carmaux
These topics are priority ones for IMT and are part of IMT’s transversal health program.
The network objectives
- To develop our collaborative research with Brazil and our academic exchanges (researcher and student exchanges)
- To facilitate responses to calls for tender in order to finance specific actions
- To establish more stable agreements over time by setting up one or more joint laboratories as a basis for a shared scientific program and associated means
The program for the IMT delegation in Brazil
On 30 November, there will be a scientific workshop taking place at FIOCRUZ.
On 1 December, there will be laboratory visits to UFRJ and PUC. The delegation will also travel to Brasilia to meet members of the Ministry of Health, CAPES and the French embassy in Brazil, as well as visiting Campinas.
*BRAFITEC :A Model of Cooperation in Higher Education with Latin America