MOOC: IMT starts a new MOOC on Big Data and re-launches three highly popular MOOCs


The new course titled “Fundamentals for Big Data” meets the latest demands of the employment market in the area of digital technology, and is part of IMT’s efforts to provide innovative online information.

The MOOC, which will start on 14th January 2015 on the FUN platform, aims to provide basic knowledge in applied math and IT in the fields of analysis, algebra, probability, statistics, Python programming and databases.

On one hand, this course will explain why relational databases are not always suitable for the systems used in contexts of big data, and on the other hand, it will initiate learners into programming with Python, a frequently used language in the field of processing big data.

The course will also provide elementary statistical concepts that are needed in processing big data and in forecasting.

The team of teaching staff for this course is led by Stephan Clémençon from Télécom Paris, who heads up the Machine Learning for Big Data Chair.

The MOOC targets students or professionals with groundings in math and algorithms. It can be taken in preparation for the specialist advanced diploma “Big data: management and analysis”, the specialist certificate (CES) “Data Scientist” and the short learning program “Data Science: Introduction to Machine Learning” by Télécom Paris.

The program, which covers 6 weeks, is preceded by a prerequisite level assessment. Each session will finish with a quiz to validate learning, and a final quiz following a project will validate the whole course.

Registration is open until 26th February, and the lessons will finish on 5th Mars.
>> Information and registration

Three MOOCs are back

Following the success of the first courses run, the following MOOCs are returning online with new features and contributors who are experts in their field, and just as passionate as ever!

“Digital manufacturing”: lessons start 08th December
“Contribute to the web!”: lessons start 18th January
“Common rocks and minerals: genesis, identification and uses”: lessons start 20th January
>> Information and registration

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