23 Eiffel scholarships for IMT schools
In 2019, IMT obtained 23 of the 320 Eiffel excellence scholarships for Master’s programs awarded to international students out of a total of 1,630 applications.
Regional schools alone obtained 16 scholarships, which is seven more than in 2018, illustrating their ability to attract increasingly excellent candidates!
Chinese, Vietnamese, Brazilian and Colombian students (countries targeted by IMT’s collective action) were the primary beneficiaries of this program.
We are also pleased to welcome two out of the five recipients of Eiffel scholarships from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) with whom a collective partnership agreement was signed in 2018. The first will attend Mines Albi and the second, Mines Alès.
As a reminder, the Eiffel excellence scholarships provide recipients with an allowance of €1,180/month over a two-year period and also cover their visa and travel costs. These scholarships attest to the quality of our international recruitment.
Congratulations to the schools!