Scientific awards and distinctions 2017
All year long, researchers and PhD students from IMT schools are honored at various international conferences and symposia. They are also rewarded by scholarly societies and given grants for their remarkable contribution to scientific progress in their respective domains.
December – Recipient of the ERC Consolidator Grant
Davide Balzarotti, a researcher in the Security Department at Eurecom, has been awarded a Consolidator Grant from the ERC (European Research Council), which each year supports projects put forward by Europe’s top researchers.
December – 3rd prize in the Best Publications awards at the French Psychiatry Congress 2017
At the 2017 edition of the French Psychiatry Congress, Sofian Berrouiguet, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, was awarded 3rd prize in the year’s Best Psychiatry Publications (Clinician category) for his paper, “Ecological Assessment of Clinicians’ Antipsychotic Prescription Habits in Psychiatric Inpatients: A Novel Web- and Mobile Phone-Based Prototype for a Dynamic Clinical Decision Support System”, published in the Journal of internet and medical research (JMIR).
November –IMT-Académie des Sciences Grand Prix
Pierre Rouchon – IMT-Académie des Sciences Grand Prix winner. Pierre Rouchon, professor at the Mathematics and Systems center at Mines ParisTech, and a leading specialist in Control Theory, won the IMT-Académie des Sciences Grand Prix.
November –Pierre Faurre Prize from the Académie des Sciences
Jean-Philippe Vert, Research Director at Mines ParisTech whose research in bioinformatics has applications in the field of cancer, was awarded the Pierre Faurre Prize from the Académie des Sciences.
November – Best Paper Award
Thierry Petit, a computer science researcher in the LS2N-CNRS laboratory at IMT Atlantique, won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE ICTAI, 29th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pour son article, “On constraint linear decompositions using mathematical variables”.
October – The L’Oréal-UNESCO Foundation “For women and science 2017”
Anna-Maria Pappa, a doctor in the Bioelectronics department at
Mines Saint-Étienne (CMP, the Provence Micro-electronics Center), is a prize-winner in the L’Oréal-UNESCO Foundation program “For women and science 2017”. She is one of 30 young female researchers that have been recognized for their excellence in their projects by a judging panel headed by Professor Sébastien Candel, the President of the Académie des Sciences.
October – Best Paper Award
Ziad Ismail and Jean Leneutre, researchers at Télécom Paris, Christophe Kiennert, a researcher at Télécom SudParis, and Lin Chen (University ParisSud) all received a Best Paper Award for their article entitled “A Game Theoretical Model for Optimal Distribution of Network Security Resources”, at the GameSec conference 2017: Decision and Game Theory for Security.
October – Best Demo Award
Olfa Ben Ahmed, Benoit Huet and Raphaël Troncy, researchers at Eurecom, and their co-authors received a Best Demo Award for their poster “NexGenTV: Providing Real-Time Insight during Political Debates in a Second Screen Application”, at the ACMMM 2017, 25th ACM International Conference on Multimedia.
September – EURASIP Fellow
Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu, a researcher at Télécom Paris, has been named a EURASIP Fellow (European Association for Signal Processing) for her leading contribution to the theory and practice of compression and the networking of images and videos.
June – Best Paper Award
For the second consecutive year, Tamy Boubekeur,
a researcher in the Images, Data and Signal (IDS) Department at Télécom Paris, has won a Best Paper Award at the Shape Modeling International Conference 2017 for her article titled “Unsharp masking geometry improves 3D prints”, co-signed by Philipp Herholz, Sebastian Koch and Marc Alexa (TU Berlin).
June – Prix Bodycote 2017
Mines ParisTech SF2M (the French Society for Metallugy and Materials) has awarded the Bodycote 2017 1st prize to Marie-Agathe Charpagne for her thesis work on the rheological and microstructural behavior of a new y/y’ nickel-based alloy during hot forging operations.
Marie-Agathe completed her thesis at the Material Processing Research Center (CEMEF at Mines ParisTech), under the supervision of Nathalie Bozzolo.
The SF2M Bodycote 2017 2nd prize was awarded to Alexandre Hermant, for his work on deformation mechanisms and microstructural evolutions when heating austenitic stainless steel 316 Nb.
Alexandre completed his thesis at the Materials Center (CdM at Mines ParisTech), under the supervision of Anne-Françoise Gourgues.
June – Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge Award
Julien Plu, Raphaël Troncy, and Giuseppe Rizzo, researchers in the Data Science Department at Eurecom, won the Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge Award for a 3rd time, with their article “ADEL@OKE 2017: A generic method for indexing knowledge bases for entity linking”.
This prize was awarded to them at the ESWC conference 2017: 14th European Semantic Web Conference, Open Extraction Challenge.
May – Best paper award EW 2017
David Gesbert, a researcher in the Communication Systems Department at Eurecom, received a Best Paper Award for his article titled “Performance of mobile networks with UAVs: Can flying base stations substitute ultra-dense small cells?”, which was presented at the EW Conference 2017 (23rd European Wireless Conference).
May – IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Prize 2017
The IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Prize 2017 was awarded to Adlen Ksentini, a researcher in the Communication Systems Department at Eurecom, and his co-authors, for their article: “Cache in the air: exploiting content caching and delivery techniques for 5G systems”, which has been published in the IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol: 52, Issue 2, p. 131-139, February 2014.
April – Best paper award SAC 2017
Onur Catakoglu and Davide Balzarotti, researchers in the Digital Security Department at Eurecom, received a Best Paper Award at the SAC Conference 2017 (32nd Annual ACM SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing), for their article titled “Attacks landscape in the dark side of the web”. Find out more
March – Best paper award ACM SDN-NFV Security 2017
Montida Pattaranantakul, a PhD student at IMT Lille Douai, and her supervisors Zonghua Zhang and Ahmed Meddahi, won a Best Paper Award at the ACM SDN-NFV Security Conference 2017 (Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization), for their article: “A First Step Towards Security Extension for NFV Orchestrator”.
February – ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2016 international first prize
Dominique Feillet and Nabil Absi, researchers at the Provence Micro-electronics Center (CMP) at Mines Saint-Étienne, received the ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2016 international first prize for science on the theme of “Inventory Routing Problems for Gas Distribution”. This award was given to them at the 18th Convention of the French Operational Research and Decision Support Society (ROADEF).
February – MRS fellow
Georges Malliaras, a professor at the Provence
Micro-electrics Center (CMP) at Mines Saint-Étienne, has been named an MRS Fellow. This prestigious distinction from the Materials Research Society celebrates his work in the domain of organic electronics for brain-machine interfaces.
Février – Best Paper Award lors 5e conférence ModelsWard 2017
Daniela Genius, a researcher at UPMC, Letitia Li and Ludovic Apvrille, researchers at Télécom Paris, received a Best Paper Award at the 5th ModelsWard Conference 2017 (International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development) for their article “Model-Driven Performance Evaluation and Formal Verification for Multi-level Embedded System Design”.
January – Fellow of the IEEE
Gaël Richard, a full research professor from the signal and image processing department at Télécom Paris, has been promoted to the position of Fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to the analysis, indexation and decomposition of audio and musical signals.
Janvier – EGC Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances
At the Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC) conference 2017, Luis Galarraga received the Thesis Prize for his thesis titled “Extraction of rules of association in knowledge bases”, defended at Télécom Paris in September 2016.