Scientific awards and distinctions 2016
December 2016
Martin Prodel, a PhD student in the Engineering and Healthcare Center at Mines Saint-Étienne, has been awarded the prize for the best application paper during the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2016. Find out more.
Sofian Berrouiguet, a PhD student from the department of Logic of Usages, Social Sciences and Information (LUSSI) has received the prize for digital health innovation at the 7th Trophies of the Foundation of the Future, for his work on the use of e-health tools to prevent suicide.
Four researchers from IMT graduate schools have won the Consolidator Grant of the ERC (European Research Council): Francesco Andriulli from IMT Atlantique, Yanlei Diao from Télécom Paris/Polytechnique/Inria, Petros Elia from Eurecom, and Roisin Owens from Mines Saint-Étienne. Find out more.
November 2016
As a team, Jose Patino, Héctor Delgado, Nicholas Evans (Eurecom) and Xavier Anguera (ELSA, Corp), became the winner of the Albayzin 2016 Speaker Diarization Evaluation Campaign, presented at IberSpeech 2016. The Albayzin evaluation campaigns are organized biannually by the Thematic Network on Speech Technologies (RTTH) and the ISCA Special Interest Group on Iberian Languages (SIG-IL). Find out more
October 2016
Han Xiao, CIFRE postdoctoral researcher in the Eurecom Digital Security Department, supervised by Davide Balzarotti, received the ACM Europe Student Best Paper Award for his article entitled “PhishEye: Live monitoring of sandboxed phishing kits”, during the CCS 2016 Conference, 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Gia Minh Hoang, CIFRE postdoctoral researcher in the Eurecom Communication Systems Department, co-supervised by Jérôme Härri (Eurecom) and Denis Benoit (CEA), obtained the Best Student Paper Award during the Workshop WPNC 2016, Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications for her paper entitled “Cooperative localization in GNSS-aided VANETs with accurate IR-UWB range measurements”.
Nel Samama, Alexandre Vervish-Picois and Thierry Taillandier-Loize, researchers at Télécom SudParis, received the Best Paper Award at the IPIN 2016 Conference, the 7th International conference on indoor positioning and indoor navigation. Their work focuses on the use of a new indoor geolocation system with a standard GPS receiver.
After receiving an award last June for her thesis completed at Eurecom under the supervision of Jean-Luc Dugelay, Chiara Galdi has now received the prestigious Biometrics Research and Industry Award 2016 from the European Association for Biometrics (EAB). She received the award for the most innovative part of her thesis, which was published in the article “Multimodal Authentication on smartphones: Combining Iris and Sensor Recognition for a Double Check of User Identity”.
September 2016
Michèle Wigger, researcher in the Information Processing and Communication Laboratory of Télécom Paris, has been awarded the Starting Grant of the ERC (European Research Council), which each year supports projects from the best young researchers in Europe. This will enable Michèle Wigger to broaden her work on information and communication theory. Find out more
Claude Berrou, professor with the Electronics Department of Télécom Bretagne, inventor of turbocodes, and member of the French Académie des Sciences, has just been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the scholarly society IEEE Vehicular Technology. Find out more
Pietro Michiardi, a researcher with Eurecom, and his co-authors, won the Best Paper Award for their article “Access-time Aware Cache Algorithms”, which they presented at the ITC2016, 28th International Teletraffic Congress.
August 2016
A PhD student in the Microwave Department of Télécom Bretagne, Simon Adrian received the Best young scientist paper award, during the EMTS 2016, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory. He was rewarded for his article entitled “A Well-Conditioned, Hermitian, Positive Definite, Combined Field Integral Equation for Simply and Multiply Connected Geometries” co-written with Francesco P. Andriulli (Télécom Bretagne) and Thomas Eibert (Technische Universität München). Find out more
Hamideh Rostami, a PhD student at the Mines Saint-Étienne Center of Microelectronics in Provence (CMP), received the Best Student Paper award at ISMI 2016, the International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence. Her thesis work, entitled “Equipment Anomaly Detection And Automatic Fault Fingerprint Extraction In Semiconductor Manufacturing”, is supervised by Jakey Blue and Claude Yugma as part of the ANR IMAGINE project.
July 2016
Paolo Irrera, who earned his PhD at Télécom Paris in 2015, received the Thesis Award from the SFGBM (Société Française du Génie Biologique et Médical), with a special mention for Innovation. His thesis, supervised by Isabelle Bloch, focuses on low dose X-ray image processing. Find out more
Dario Rossi, a researcher at Télécom Paris, was awarded the Applied Networking Research Prize at the IETF-96. This prize rewards outstanding research and innovative techniques applied on a global level, making it possible to solve network optimization problems on the internet. Find out more.
June 2016
José-Manuel Sanchez, Noël Crespi, researchers at Télécom SudParis, and Imen Grida Ben Yahia, received a Best Student Paper Award for their article “Self-Diagnosis of Networking Services over Programmable Networks”, at the IEEE NetSoft2016, International Conference on Softwarization.
Chiara Galdi, who is co-supervised by Jean-Luc Dugelay, a researcher at Eurecom, won the prize for best 2015/2016 thesis from the Italian section of the IEEE in biometrics. Her thesis focuses on “Design and Development of Multi-biometric Systems.”
Flora Weissgerber, a PhD student in the signal and image processing department of Télécom Paris, received the First place student paper award at the 2016 EUSAR conference, 11th International Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar. Find out more.
Amel Mammar, a researcher in the IT department of Télécom SudParis, won the best article prize for her paper “SGAC: A Patient-Centered Access Control Method,” presented during the 2016 IEEE RCIS Conference, 10th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science.
Massimiliano Todisco, Hector Delgado and Nick Evans, researchers at Eurecom, received the Best Paper Award for their publication “A new feature for automatic speaker verification anti-spoofing: Constant Q cepstral coefficients,” presented during the 2016 Odyssey workshop.
The team comprised of Efstratios Sygkounas, Giuseppe Rizzo and Raphaël Troncy, researchers at Eurecom, won the Polarity Detection Prize for their article entitled “The SentiME system at the SSA challenge task 1”, awarded by the jury of the 2016 ESWC European Semantic Web Conference, for the “Semantic Sentiment Analysis Challenge.”
Grigory Antipov and Jean-Luc Dugelay, researchers at Eurecom, received a double-award: best paper award and 1st place award, for their paper “Apparent Age Estimation from Face Images Combining General and Children-Specialized Deep Learning Models” presented during the 29th IEEE Conference CVPR, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Gergely Molnar, a post-doctoral researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne’s Materials and Structures Science Center, won the 2016 Association of Friends of Université de Lyon Prize for a foreign post-doctoral researcher. Find out more .
May 2016
Florence Tupin, a researcher at Télécom Paris, and her co-authors received the Prize Paper Award, from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2016 Transactions, for their article entitled “NL-SAR: A Unified Nonlocal Framework for Resolution-Preserving (Pol)(In)SAR Denoising”. Find out more.
Moulaye Aidara, a PhD student at the Mines Saint-Étienne Center of Microelectronics in Provence, received the Best student paper award at the ASMC2016, Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference, for his article “Management of Crisis Situations in a Large Unified AMHS of a Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility” (co-authors: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès, Claude Yugma, Lionel Rullière and Gilles Lamiable). Find out more.
April 2016
Redouane Lguensat, a PhD student in the Signal and Communication department of Télécom Bretagne, won the first place prize in the best student poster competition, at the 38th IEEE Oceans Conference ’16, for his poster “Using Archived Datasets for Missing Data Interpolation in Ocean Remote Sensing Observation Series.” Find out more.
Thomas Lonjaret, a PhD student in the Bioelectronics Department of Mines Saint-Etienne, received a Silver Graduate Student Award at the 2016 MRS (Material Research Society) conference. This event brings together international experts in the area of material science. Thomas developed his work in textile electronics and cutaneous electrodes for medical applications at the Center of Microelectronics in Provence. Find out more.
March 2016
Wafae Bakkali, who recently earned his PhD at Télécom Bretagne, received the Best Student Paper Award at the ISPLC 2016, International Symposium on Power Line Communications, a reference in the field of Power-line communication (PLC) technology. The winning article, co-authored with Pascal Pagani and Thierry Chonavel, researchers at Télécom Bretagne, is entitled “Energy efficiency performance of decode and forward MIMO relay PLC systems”. Find out more.
Jolien Pas, a PhD student in the Bioelectronics Department of Mines Saint-Étienne, received a Best Talk Award, at the BioEl2016, International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, for her communication entitled “All-in-one fabrication process of a rigidified flexible neural probe”, co-authored by Marc Ferro and George Malliaras. Find out more.
February 2016
Madeleine Akrich, a researcher at Mines ParisTech, was awarded the 2016 Silver Medal by the CNRS. This medal honors researchers for their creativeness, and the quality and significance of their nationally and internationally recognized research.
Yves Guiard, CNRS Director of Research at the Télécom Paris LTCI (Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information) research laboratory in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies, received an Excellence Award from the SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) for the entirety of his research in the area of human-machine interaction. Find out more.
January 2016
Alexandre Gramfort, a researcher at Télécom Paris LTCI (Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information) research laboratory, has been selected in the ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant call for proposals for his project on decoding how the brain works. Find out more.